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Hormone Replacement Therapy To Enhance Your Skin And Hair

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When thinking about cosmetic procedures, people often think about plastic surgery. There is another highly effective way to help enhance your cosmetic goals which includes hormone replacement therapy. Also known as HRT, hormone replacement therapy helps ensure optimal hormone balance which can result in highlighting your natural beauty. Here are some ways hormone replacement therapy can help you achieve a younger, more attractive appearance.

Enhancing The Appearance Of Your Skin

Aging can affect your skin as a result of certain hormonal imbalances, especially imbalances of progesterone and estrogen. This can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, dryness, and "crepey-looking" skin. Hormone replacement therapy helps restore optimal hormone balance to help maintain the health of your skin, promote collagen production, and prevent premature aging. HRT can enhance the texture of your skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and even enhance your skin's ability to retain moisture to help prevent a dry complexion.

Another benefit of HRT is that it can enhance the results of other cosmetic procedures that you may have had in the past. Before your healthcare provider prescribes HRT, they will perform a comprehensive examination as well as blood tests to assess your hormone levels so that your treatment can be customized to meet your hormonal needs.

Hair Loss Solution

Hormonal imbalances can also result in hair loss which can lead to decreased self-confidence. When hormones such as progesterone and estrogen decline, it can affect your hair follicles and slow the growth of your hair, resulting in thinning and even total hair loss. Hormone replacement therapy can slow hair loss, prevent thinning, and promote hair growth. Instead of using over-the-counter volumizing shampoos to just make your hair look thicker and more luxurious, hormone replacement therapy addresses the actual cause of your hormone-related hair loss.

Certain medications can also cause hormone imbalances and subsequent hair loss as can pregnancy, menopause, the natural aging process, and gynecological conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is important to note, that if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, effective gynecological treatment may also help reduce hair loss and thinning.

To learn more about the cosmetic benefits of hormone replacement therapy, talk to your healthcare provider. In addition to cosmetic benefits, HRT may also provide certain health benefits. These may include promoting strong bones in those with degenerative bone diseases and reducing certain menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood disorders, and insomnia.

To learn more about hormone replacement therapy, reach out to your doctor.
