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FAQs About Fat Loss Procedures And The Common Options

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What are your cosmetic fat loss treatment options? You've made changes to your diet and exercise plans, but you haven't seen the results that you expected. If you're searching for fat loss solutions that go beyond lifestyle modifications, take a look at what you need to know about the top cosmetic procedures.

What Are the Most Common Types of Fat Reduction Procedures?

There are two main categories of cosmetic fat reduction—surgical and nonsurgical or minimally invasive. Surgical procedures are exactly what the name sounds like. These procedures require surgery to remove fat and reconstruct the area or tighten the tissue and skin. Two surgical fat reduction procedures are tummy tucks (also known as abdominoplasty) and liposuction. 

Nonsurgical or minimally invasive treatments include cryolipolysis, injection lipolysis, radiofrequency lipolysis, and laser lipolysis. Cryolipolysis uses cold temperatures to freeze and break down fat cells. The body naturally removes these cells, leading to spot fat reduction in areas over time. Lipolysis reduces the number of fat cells by chemical injection, radio wave-generated heat, or laser-generated heat.

Which Fat Reduction Procedures Are the Most Common? 

In 2020 liposuction was the most popular surgical fat loss treatment and the fourth most popular type of cosmetic surgery (compared to all cosmetic surgical procedures), according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). ASPS's statistics show that there were 211,067 of these procedures in 2020.

In the same year, doctors performed 357,938 cryolipolysis and other similar minimally invasive fat reduction procedures. The ASPS's data for minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures also shows that in 2020, doctors and specialized providers gave a total of 135,586 lipolysis injections.  

Which Option Is the Best Choice? 

While popularity is a factor to consider, it isn't the only one. Many procedures and treatments have significant benefits (such as convenience, pain-free options, or impressive results) that lead to their popularity. But it's important to weigh your expectations and fat reduction goals against the realities of each type of treatment.

The first step is to decide whether you prefer an invasive, noninvasive, or minimally invasive procedure. If you don't want anesthesia or an OR, liposuction and tummy tucks are not options to explore right now. To decide on one of the noninvasive or minimally invasive treatments, think about your overall weight loss goals, the areas you want to work on, the time it takes to see results, your overall health and healthcare needs, and your medical provider's recommendations. 

Contact your doctor for more information about fat loss solutions
