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Three Signs That May Prompt A Visit To A Dermatologist

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The skin is one of the body's most essential parts, often vulnerable to certain conditions and diseases that may affect your overall health and wellbeing. However, sometimes skin issues are not always about acne or pimples. For instance, some skin conditions are barely noticeable or have much effect, such as sunburns or rashes, whereas others may be painful and noticeable, including moles, eczema, or skin tags. Although it is not always clear when to visit a dermatology expert, it is crucial to be prepared and often go for regular checkups for any skin condition that may cause concern. Here are three signs that may prompt a visit to a dermatologist. 

Severe Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions affecting teenagers and adults, constituting clogged skin pores, dead skin cells, sebum, and dirt. They are characterized mainly by lesions and pus-filled bumps. In severe cases, acne infections and inflammations may result in painful white and blackheads. Additionally, once they clear, they may leave deep acne scars that interfere with your self-expression. Thus, if you notice you have severe acne consider visiting a dermatology expert who may recommend the best treatment plan and medications to help decrease the inflammations and improve your skin. 

Skin Growths and Moles

Warts and skin tags are typical skin growth that mostly appears as an underlying effect of other health conditions. For instance, warts mainly appear after an HPV infection, while skin tags may result from obesity and diabetes. In comparison, moles are skin growths that may appear resulting from sun damage. In contrast, since other types of moles and growths can turn out to be malignant over time, it is vital to make an appointment as early as possible with a dermatology expert to monitor your skin conditions. They may save your life. 

Skin Cancer Screening

Individuals are advised to undergo cancer screening if they notice something is amiss. For instance, skin cancer is a life-threatening disease resulting from too much sun exposure. The appearance of waxy bumps, brown scar-like lesions or scabbing sores, and red nodules are signs of carcinoma. On the other hand, moles that bleed and change in feel, size, and colors, painful pimples that burn or itch, and dark lesions forming under your eyes, pubic area, and mouth linings may be a sign of melanoma. These symptoms may warrant a screening by a dermatology expert. Fortunately, when caught early, skin cancer is highly curable. As a preventative method, dermatologists advise on the importance of consistently applying sunscreen to prevent skin cancer development.

For more information on dermatology, contact a professional near you.
