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4 Facts About Facelift Surgery

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When people get older, their skin naturally produces less collagen. This can result in wrinkles and sagging skin, especially around the neckline and face. Plastic surgery can allow you to address these signs of aging, which can make you more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Some people worry about the facelift procedure since it is more invasive than some other types of treatments. However, facelifts are safe and effective. Here are some things you should know about facelift surgery:

1. Facelifts offer dramatic rejuvenation.

Injectable treatments, such as Botox and dermal fillers, can offer some relief from wrinkles and sagging skin. However, some people have a set of concerns that are not completely addressed by these treatments. Facelifts can offer dramatic rejuvenation. During a facelift, your plastic surgeon will make an incision along your hairline or jawline. They will then tighten the skin in that area before applying sutures to close the incision. The results of facelift surgery can be dramatic and instantaneous.

2. Facelifts can be performed under partial or full sedation.

Your facelift can be performed under general anesthesia or partial sedation. Some people prefer intravenous sedation as an alternative to full anesthesia because of the risks involved with general anesthesia. Partial sedation can offer a quicker recovery if that is a concern. However, other people prefer to be completely asleep during their facelift. No matter what you choose, you will feel no discomfort during your surgery, thanks to the use of local anesthetics. You can discuss your preferred method of sedation with your plastic surgeon before your procedure.

3. Facelifts can be performed traditionally or as a mini-lift.

Traditional facelifts are performed with incisions near your ears, along your hairline. This incision placement allows your plastic surgeon to tighten the skin along your temples and cheeks. However, some people have only minor wrinkles and sagging and do not require a full traditional facelift. Mini-lifts are a good option for people with minor to moderate wrinkles and sagging. During a mini-lift, your plastic surgeon will make a small incision near your jaw. As with the traditional facelift, your skin will be tightened and sutured at the incision site.

4. Facelifts are compatible with other cosmetic treatments.

You can combine a facelift with other cosmetic treatments to achieve the results you want. Dermal fillers can be used to replace lost volume in key areas around your face. This can enhance the effects of your facelift to make you look youthful and fresh.
