Improving Your Appearance with Cosmetic Surgery

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Reasons Why You Should Try Breast Augmentation Surgery Today

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As you know, breasts come in different sizes and shapes. While some are small, others are large. While some are round, others are pointed. If you feel that your breasts don't have the shape you desire, you can always consider breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty. Read on to learn more about this procedure. 

What Is Breast Augmentation?

It is a cosmetic surgery that increases breast size or brings asymmetry to the breasts. The procedure is done in two ways:

  • Transfer of fat from one body area to the breast region.
  • Surgically inserting breast implants under the chest muscles or breast tissue.

Why Do People Get Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is among the most famous cosmetic procedures in the United States. In 2018, for instance, 313,735 breast augmentation procedures were performed in the US. The end result of this procedure is perkier, fuller breasts that are more appealing and symmetrical. Typically, people go for augmentation mammoplasty for the following two main reasons:

1. To Improve Appearance

Breast augmentation is recommended if you don't like the shape or size of your breasts, especially if the person wishes their breasts were larger. While some breasts are naturally small, others reduce in size after childbirth or significant weight loss. In both cases, the procedure can add volume and curves to the breasts, making them larger and firmer. The surgery is also recommended if one breast is bigger than the other.

2. Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy

If you have breast cancer, the entire breast might be removed as part of the treatment. Living with one breast affects not only your appearance but also the types of clothes you wear. However, you don't have to live with one breast, as the removed breast can be reconstructed through augmentation.

Is This Procedure Right For You?

For some women, augmentation mammoplasty boosts their confidence, while for others, it's a way of reconstructing breasts after a specific medical procedure. Before undergoing this cosmetic surgery, you should discuss your goals with the plastic surgeon. It's always good to be realistic about what breast augmentation can and can't do for you.

The main benefits of breast augmentation include:

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Feeling more youthful
  • Your body becomes more proportional
  • Ability to wear different types of clothes
  • More social opportunities

If you are dissatisfied with your breasts' current shape, size, and symmetry, you can go for breast augmentation surgery. Apart from improved appearance, this procedure improves one's self-esteem and confidence.
