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Is A Facelift Right For You? 3 Things To Keep In Mind

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If sagging skin, folds, and other signs of aging make you look and feel older than you are, a facelift may be able to help. A facelift procedure can improve your self-image and make you look younger and more refreshed. During facelift surgery, your surgeon will remove excess skin and address sagging and wrinkling. Your surgeon will also tighten facial tissue during this procedure. While most are familiar with how facelifts work, there are still a few things that you need to know before you schedule this surgery. 

Facelifts Focus On The Lower Two-Thirds Of Your Face

If you are looking into a facelift, you will want to manage your expectations. It's a common misconception that a facelift will address all of the issues you may have with your face. To get the results you desire, you may need to combine a facelift with other procedures such as brow lift or eyelid lift. Facelift surgery mainly addresses the cheeks and the jawline, or the lower two-thirds of your face. Before scheduling this procedure, make sure it will produce the results you desire. 

Facelifts Are Pricey

Another thing to consider if you are looking into a facelift is whether you can afford this surgery. The average facelift costs between $7,700 and $11,780. Factors that impact your costs include where you are having the procedure, it can be done in a surgical center or a hospital, and your surgeon's fees. Any additional procedures that you add, like neck contouring or a brow lift, will add to your costs. Other expenses may include aftercare costs and anesthesia. You will also need to take time to heal, which may mean missing work.

Facelift Results Last For Years

There are many benefits to undergoing a facelift, and the good news is that your results will likely last for at least a decade. To get the most out of your facelift, avoiding any habits that may undo some of the benefits is essential. Staying out of the sun, avoiding smoking, and taking care of yourself are necessary if you want to maintain your facelift. While a facelift will provide a more youthful appearance for many years, eventually, sagging and wrinkling will start to return as you continue to age.

If you are thinking about facelift surgery, there are a few things to keep in mind. While facelifts can have a dramatic impact on your appearance, they only focus on the lower two-thirds of the face and are often combined with other procedures. Facelift procedures are also pricey and will cost a few thousand dollars. The results from your facelift procedure can last for years, but you will eventually start to see signs of aging returning. 
