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How to Get the Best Breast Augmentation Results

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Breast augmentation has been around for more than fifty years. In that time, it has become safer and more natural-looking for the wearer. Many women leave satisfied with the results while some are less so. In this article, you'll discover what to do to get the best breast augmentation results.

Do Your Research

Everyone's breasts are different. You will achieve a similar but not exact result to the examples you see either in person or online. For example, some implants are simply too big to fit a narrow chest. This would result in unnatural looking breast implants you can see the ridges of above the skin. Ask your doctor about the result you should expect from your procedure.

Also, surgeons are not created equal. Cosmetic surgeons receive extensive training to acquire certification to practice. Surgery is performed in a clinical environment specifically for that purpose. If the price sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never agree to a procedure that is not performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. 

Prepare Ahead of Time

Before your appointment, your doctor will perform a physical exam and blood test to ensure you are healthy enough for surgery. Leading up to the day of your procedure you should arrange with a friend to pick you up and drop you off. You will be too sore for regular activity for a few days to a week so prepare meals ahead of time. Also, make sure you have comfortable clothing such as button-ups or zipping shirts as lifting your arms will be difficult at first. 

To make sure you are healthy for surgery, avoid smoking, excessive drinking, and blood-thinning OTC medications. These things can cause complications during surgery. On the day of your procedure, wash your body with antibacterial soap, wear comfy clothes, and avoid eating and drinking for eight hours.

Monitor Your Expectations

Beauty is a matter of culture and personal identity. A bigger bust will only make you look better if you feel it does. Breast implants aren't made to last forever; complications and scarring can occur. Also, breast augmentation won't fix sagging breasts. A breast lift is a separate procedure your doctor can perform at the same time. Talk to your doctor to customize the results you are looking for.

Many women have concerns that they won't be able to breastfeed after breast augmentation. With newer technology, it's still possible to safely breastfeed with implants though there is always a risk of damage to the mammary glands. Discuss this with your doctor if it is a concern.

Though it is an elective procedure, breast augmentation is still surgery. The best doctor for you will be one that listens to your concerns and answers them with patience and knowledge. Seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon to minimize any associated risks and learn more about breast augmentation. 
