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5 Things You Should Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

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While many women undergo breast implant surgery to achieve larger breasts, other women do the complete opposite. If your breasts are very large and causing you discomfort, getting a reduction can give you the relief you need. Here are a few important things you should know about breast reduction surgery.

You Will Be Able to Participate in More Activities

When you have very large breasts, it can be difficult to do certain physical activities, such as jogging or playing tennis. Your breasts may bounce around too much, causing you pain. By getting breast reduction surgery, you will be able to partake in many more activities and lead a more active life.

Your Breasts May Look Strange Immediately

Once your surgeon takes off your surgical dressings, you may be a little alarmed at what you see. Your breasts may likely be swollen and bruised in the beginning. However, know that this is only temporary. The bruising should disappear within a week and the swelling should subside in the next few weeks. 

You Will Feel Discomfort Afterward

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure, so you should expect to feel some pain and soreness initially. The discomfort is perfectly normal and should subside within the next few days. Try to limit your activities as much as possible and take pain medication as directed. If you have difficulty doing certain activities, such as preparing food or washing your hair, do not hesitate to ask a family member or friend for help.

Your Insurance Company May Cover the Costs

In some cases, insurance companies cover a portion or all the costs of breast reduction surgery. However, you must be able to prove that your breasts have significantly affected your health in some way. Your surgeon will be able to help you obtain the necessary information to give your insurance company.

You Will Have Scars

Before you decide to get a breast reduction surgery, understand that you will have scars from the incision wounds. You can reduce the appearance of these scars over time if you apply scar cream daily. However, you may still have light scarring.

Making the decision to get breast reduction surgery is a big deal. If you are considering undergoing the procedure, you should schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon in your area. He or she can explain the details of the procedure and determine if you're a suitable candidate. 

Contact a clinic like Center for Cosmetic Surgery: Sassan Alavi MD to learn more.
