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Tips for Minimizing Tummy Tuck Scarring

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If you have a pocket of fat that extends across the abdomen, then you may want to think about a surgical procedure to get rid of it. This is your best option if diet and exercise have not worked to contour your body. However, you should know that some scarring is likely. You can minimize the appearance of the scars with the following tips.

1. Ask About a Mini Tuck

There are several situations where a full tummy tuck is ideal. If you have had several children or you've lost a significant amount of weight, then you probably want your surgeon to remove large portions of skin along with the pockets of fat. In this situation, a long and large incision is required that extends from hip to hip. A long scar will follow the path of this incision.

If you have fat in the abdominal region but not a lot of excess skin, then you can receive a mini tummy tuck. This allows for a smaller incision and a smaller scar as well. The incision used is placed a bit lower across the abdomen and will extend only across the pubic bone. This is similar to a c-section incision. 

The mini tummy tuck may not require the movement of the belly button, so scarring will be minimized in the naval region as well. However, you should know that the naval may sit a bit lower than it once did.

2. Do Not Place Stress on the Incision Area

You will receive instructions from your plastic surgeon to make sure your incision heals as fully as possible. The process includes body positioning and minimizing stress on the incision itself. Specifically, you will be unable to move or position yourself in a way that stretches or pulls on the incision. Your surgeon will teach you how to rest in a seated or gently reclined position and how to bend forward when getting out of bed. 

For a few weeks, you should wear loose-fitting clothes that do not place direct pressure on the incision. And, the clothes should cover the surgical area completely because exposure to the sun can increase the appearance of scar tissue. 

As the incision starts to heal, your surgeon will give your instructions on how to use moisturizing creams and massage techniques to make sure the scar is as smooth as possible. You can learn more about the process by contacting plastic surgeons that provide tummy tuck services. 
