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Benefit From Undergoing A Facelift Plastic Surgery Procedure For A More Youthful Look

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Aging is inevitable. So, one day you take a good look at your face and notice that the few fine lines you noticed on your face last year have increased. Some wrinkles and sagging of your facial skin may seem to be comfortably settling in on your face. You can get rid of those facial concerns by undergoing an elective plastic surgery procedure that's also called rhytidectomy.

Definition Of A Rhytidectomy

Rhytidectomy procedures actually reduce the obvious aging signs that develop on your face and neck. You may, depending on your genetics, notice jowls of unwanted skin or fat deposits that start falling down on your face. Some people find folds of skin deepening around their nose and mouth. Some people notice loose fat on their necks, too. All of these conditions can be successfully eliminated through plastic surgery procedures.

How A Facelift Works

Your surgeon will lift the upper portion of your face and neck areas to remove the unwanted extra facial skin. Your skin is then reattached where the incision points began. This part of the procedure provides the lift, which you indicated that you wanted. Ultimately, the operation will make you look much younger than you are.

Avoid Some Aging Facial Skin Problems

You can try to avoid the problems of an aging skin long before you develop the unwanted symptoms. Sure, you're going to go through an aging process. Some of the imperfections that you develop later on though could be lessened. Smoking habits are perilous to your facial skin. So, don't start smoking when you are young. As a matter of fact, just do not ever begin the habit of smoking. Years of smoking can increase the visibility of lines of heavy wrinkles you have on your face. You also run the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer.

Genetics can cause you to develop obvious wrinkles all over your face. Then there is the harsh sun damage you expose your skin to. Wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses when you plan to be in the sun. Excessive stress will cause you to look older. So, you can exercise daily and do stretch exercises regularly to reduce stress in your life.

Depletion Of Collagen And Elastin

Bear in mind that you lose the natural amounts of collagen and elastin that your body stores as you age. Collagen and elastin keep your skin firm and youthful while you're young. Aging, of course, depletes the laxity of your skin. By all means, choose elective plastic surgery to return a youthful-looking facial skin to you.

To learn more about facelifts and other plastic surgery procedures, contact a plastic surgeon in your area.
