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Should You See A Sinus Doctor?

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Are you ready to see a sinus doctor? This is a type of doctor who specializes in the upper respiratory system, the sinuses in particular, and who can benefit you in many ways. You may need to see this type of doctor if you have certain conditions or issues, so you will want to talk to your general doctor for a referral if you have any of the following things going on. If you need to see a sinus doctor, you can get a referral for one, whether the specialist focuses more on the cosmetic end of things, or is a specialist for medical issues. Here are reasons to see a sinus doctor.

You have massive allergies

Do you have allergies so bad that you cannot breathe clearly and have constant pressure in and around your nose, upper cheeks, eyes, and other issues? Do you have problems managing your allergy symptoms to where you don't feel uncomfortable all the time? When you have really bad allergies that won't get managed with your regular allergy medications, then you should ask for a referral to a sinus specialist. They may be able to help you with your symptoms by prescribing you medication that is stronger than what you are currently taking, or even by giving you a referral to surgery to help you breathe easier and feel less pressure.

You have bad vertigo

Do you have really bad vertigo that is making it hard for you to feel balanced when you walk around? Are you having problems keeping your balance when you walk around, or do you face constant vertigo headaches and other issues? You may have a sinus or inner ear condition, which a sinus doctor can help you with. If this is a problem, then you want to speak to a specialist as soon as you can and explain to them how long you have had your vertigo symptoms and what your concerns are.

You have issues with your nasal shape

Do you have problems with the shape of your nose or nasal cavities? You may have polyps or other issues with your nose that a sinus doctor, particularly a cosmetic one, can fix for you. If you have an area of your nose that you have specific issues with, let your surgeon know so they can help you with your condition and help bring you relief. You will get treatment after a consultation.

For more assistance, you will want to contact someone such as Scaccia Frank J MD FACS.
