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3 Health Conditions That May Slow Recovery From Cosmetic Procedures

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While most people who undergo cosmetic procedures sail through recovery, others who have certain medical conditions may have more challenges during the post-operative period. Even in the presence of preexisting health conditions, there are things you and your healthcare team can do to minimize your risk for complications and delayed healing following your procedure: Here are three medical conditions that may slow or delay your recovery following cosmetic surgery:


If you have diabetes, your circulation may be poor, and because of this, you may experience delayed wound healing after your surgery. Also, diabetes can heighten the risk for infection, especially in people who do not have tight control over their blood glucose levels.

To minimize your risk for post-surgical complications, work with your primary care physician to ensure that your blood sugar levels remain within normal limits. If you follow your therapeutic diet, test your blood sugars regularly with your home glucose monitor, maintain a healthy weight, and take your prescribed medications, your risk for developing an infection or delayed recovery may be greatly reduced. 

Autoimmune Disorders

People who have autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis may also be at a greater risk for delayed wound healing and post-operative infections. One of the reasons why those with autoimmune disorders are susceptible to slow healing is because many of them have a condition known as vasculitis. 

This condition leads to the inflammation of blood vessels; however, when autoimmune disorders are well-managed, complications of vasculitis can be dramatically reduced. Following your doctor's treatment plan for your lupus or rheumatoid arthritis will dampen systemic inflammation and will help your cosmetic surgery incisions heal better and faster. This will also help reduce your risk for scarring following your procedure. 

Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency causes inadequate blood flow through your veins. While this condition can be related to a number of other medical disorders, it is often associated with varicose veins or blood clots. Other risk factors include obesity, pregnancy, family history, and smoking.

While there is little you can do about family history, there are steps you can take to minimize your other risk factors such as losing weight and quitting smoking. By taking these steps, blood flow may improve which will lower your risk for surgical complications after you receive cosmetic services in your area. 

If you have any of the above conditions, work with your surgeon to learn how to minimize your risk factors for complications, which may necessitate a revision cosmetic procedure. When your chronic health conditions are well-managed, you are more likely to enjoy an uneventful recovery. 
